Exquisite evocations of the world around us
The exquisite paintings of Katharine Dove are inspired by her surroundings as they shift and change with the passing of the seasons. She finds herself drawn to the built environment and its juxtaposition with the natural world; the regency buildings of a Cotswold town at cherry blossom time, the timeless charm of a Cornish fishing village, or the magical appearance of a gilded carousel set against a starlit sky are amongst the many images that have provided her with a wealth of material.
Kate always carries a camera and a notebook with her on her travels, and the images she captures on film or in sketches form the basis of her work. She is at her happiest when she is working on a new piece, experimenting with a range of media to create innovative and interesting effects that will render her subject recognisable, but leave space for the imagination. Over the years she has developed a distinctive and recognisable style using a unique combination of media to create exquisite hues, delicate details, and on occasion great drama.
Working from her Cotswold studio Kate has had several successful solo exhibitions around the UK. Highly commended in a 2011 Broadway art competition she went on enter her first national competition, The Artist and Illustrator Magazine Artist of the Year 2014; she was shortlisted and invited to exhibit at the Mall Galleries in 2015. She is now firmly established as a successful Cotswold artist and is an undoubted star with an exciting international future.